Florian Fernbacher

Florian Fernbacher Photo

After a classical guitar education, Florian played typical rock and heavy stuff, kids play when they are frustrated of nylon strings and chamber-music, not to forget the rave of the guitar heroes of the 80th?s. After finishing school he moved from bavarian to berlin, where he disccovered some very rough jazz music that was a big hype in the actuall scene. In the next years he studied jazz-guitar at the highschool for music “Hanns-Eisler” and played with some local bands and his own trio. One of this trio-works is documented on his album “The Clash of Civilizations”. After finishing high-school and a tour with the trio, Florian was more and more influenced from electronic music and the basic idea to create a cosmos all by his own. One of his first electronic albums was Alec Empire?s “Low on ice” - very dark and and heavy sounding electronic music. He states this album influenced him alot. Some tracks Florian produced at that time (winter of 2003) are now available as free download releases on the Mahorka label.

Things he is doing actually are quite different from these tracks. The attitude is more back to the roots, but mainly in the idea of flow and improvisational elements. The music captures a rough, but throughout melodic jazz feel, a clashing of instruments, shouters, singers, synthetic and natural sound sources. The clashing of various stylistic elements leads through his first official solo record and points to its title occasionally - “The Clash of Civilizations”.