Natura Est

Second Cover

Created for a love of all that is Dark Ambient, British Electronic producer Tony Young (Autoclav1.1) and German Industrial/Noise powerhouse Andreas Davids (xotox); first bore fruits of their labour, with their self-titled, monolithic debut in 2018.

2019, continues the story with "Second". A new chapter of colossal, brooding ambient; where light is slowly crushed by shade, within a multi-faceted arena of sound.

From the nightmarish journey through dying forests and the ruined vestiges of humanity depicted in their debut; the path now leads across desolate moorland and hilltops to the coast. The sea levels are now rising; and we have to face the inevitable, that all will be consumed.

Once more, Natura Est have produced an album that stands tall within the genre; holding an aural mirror to the world, provoking one question. Nature is all, all is nature; but who really is the beast?

released September 9, 2019

also available as limited edition digipak CD

Written & produced by Natura Est: Tony Young and Andreas Davids
Mastered by Anatoly Tokee Grinberg
Artwork by Salt
