Baba llaga
El ultimo viaje de Vasilissa

El ultimo viaje de Vasilissa Cover

Baba llaga are: Miguel A. Garci­a (xedh, valvula antirretorno), Raul Dominguez (armadillo concreto), Daniel Llaria (bujero) and Itziar Markiegi (teta fx).

They gathered together to do some fine experimental/industrial improvised sound with a lot of emphasis on the visual aspect of the performance when they play live. It's not the \'man with a laptop outfit, it's a real, living band.

Their first release El ultimo viaje de Vasilissa (The last travel of Vasilissa) is 100% improvised, dreamy and dark album, a soundtrack to their getting together, focused more on the texture and evocation than on the impact and perversion of different forms of music - no intentions and no pretentions.

Expect more buzz and fuzz about baba llaga soon! Check for new tracks and info about live shows:

Artwork image credits: Miguel A. Garci­a & Elena Aitzkoa.
