Meld 8

Meld 8 Cover

Lezet is an experimental one-man music project hailing from Pozega, Serbia and releasing music since 2006. Being an avid music fan in love with many different styles, genres and approaches in music, Igor Jovanovic tries to explore and incorporate many of them into the sound of Lezet. Igor sees music as an artistic practice which should be fun and exciting for those making it, and feels fortunate enough to have many friends and fellow music makers allowing him to grow artistically by collaborating with him.

After more than a decade since the previous "Meld" album was released, Igor decided to revive the series where each song in the album is made with a different collaborator.

The previous volumes were the albums that Igor loved making / being part of more than any of his solo endeavours. The "Meld" series galvanised his venturing in producing music in duos and groups since.

"Thanks to all the artists who collaborating with me on "Meld 8" and for making the album as brilliant as it is!"

Collaborators featured on "Meld 8":

RDKPL - "Czech noisound maker. Aural manipulations within the borders of power noise, experimental electronica, downtempo glitch to electroacoustic industrial." RDKPL.bandcamp.com

Wilfried Hanrath - "I am 66 years old and a happy father and grandfather. I learned classical guitar, and taught myself bass, drums and percussion, and keyboards, synthesizers. And, like I like listening to different styles and genres in music, I play different genres and styles. Solo works are one branch in my activities; more fulfilling - be it in live situations or in the studio, is to come together with others in collaborations." wilfriedhanrath.bandcamp.com

Kleshas - Christopher B. Arnett's recent moniker exploring melodic experimental and classical music even further than the music he released under his own name.

Dj Odraz - Ken Willbond started the project after a decade and a half of making music as Protecious. The music is influenced by metal, hip-hop, funk, horror movie soundtracks and many other styles and genres. facebook.com/Protecious

Filmy Ghost - a Dark Ambient, Experimental, Witch House, Ghostly Computer Music project created by S bila Orbe from Rancagua, Chile. Founder of Cian Orbe & Witch Spectra non-profit netlabels. filmyghost-humanfobia-doppelganger.bandcamp.com

Humanfobia - A Witch House / VaporGoth / Horror Synth / Experimental duo from Rancagua, Chile formed in 2011. Mist Spectra - lead female vocals; S bila Orbe - sound mixer and male vocals. humanfobia-official.bandcamp.com

Dolores Mondo Stash - a sound experimentation project based in Bucharest, Romania. The music revolves around genres such as experimental, industrial, electronic, ambiental and post-punk. doloresmondostash.bandcamp.com

Edo Žudjelovic - a visual artist, drawer, painter and electronic/noise musician, occasionally exploring electronic music. He lives and works in Bar, Montenegro. Studied Visual Communication Design at the Faculty of Visual Arts in Podgorica, currently a graduate student at the faculty. He participated in the Short video form screening, alternative film video festival in Podgorica, Montenegro. Has published several noise and experimental music albums. harshrealitymusic.bandcamp.com/album/starch harshrealitymusic.bandcamp.com/album/rosette

M.Nomized - a recording artist, mail artist, author, collagist and painter who was born Mandrange Michel in Paris in 1956. He started his work in 1975 with contemporary music and sound research. In the subsequent 31 years he has appeared on more than 200 solo, collaboration and compilation cd and tape releases - on his own Fraction Studio label and on numerous European, Japanese and American labels. M.Nomized has recorded and created music in many different styles, including experimental, electronic, minimalist and repetitive musics, industrial, Indian music, "out", Algerian, noise, cyclic and looped-based music, children's theatre, ambient, piano and spoken word. He was an important figure in the homemade music scene of the 1980s and 1990s, and is well-known for his recordings as a member of No Authorized. M.Nomized has collaborated with De Fabriek, Don Campau, Mr. Moto, Carsten Olbrich, Mark Sonnenfeld, The Legendary Poptones, Daniele Brusaschetto, Bidoche Musique, Kora, Messy, Mlehst and many others. mnomized.bandcamp.com/album/m-nomized-music-for-treated-violins-and-loops-variations-2022 mnomized.bandcamp.com/album/m-nomized-in-the-morning-mist-2023

Artwork by Senka Jankovic

Released April 6, 2024

