Austin Rockman
Plum God

Plum God Cover

Experiential composer Austin Rockman paints upon the canvas of silence with seemingly supernatural projections of sound. These amalgamations point towards tones of an almost uncertain origin and are very much characterized by a certain place in time. His debut album 'Plum God' represents a transitory state. An uncertainty, which brings along states of confusion, exhaustion, intensity.. coexisting within these emotions resides hope and the inevitable beauty and gravity of consciousness. We are swayed like trees against an invisible wind, currents that press upon us, like shores, constantly reoccurring and reemerging from a seemingly infinite source. Beyond us. This elusive control navigates our existence, and in this sway we must have trust in ourselves, this is only the beginning..

As Austin Rockman's debut on Mahorka "Plum God" has been revisited, on tape, and with the "bonus" track (tape322), this is only the beginning..

Press Coverage:

'Plum God is a beautiful reminder of human fragility, and a welcomed breath of fresh air in an environment too often symbolized by a seductive superficiality.ʼ - Massimo Ricci/Touching Extremes

‘Beautifully mangled sound rests on the periphery of conscious awareness, pulling the mind back from untethered states with anxious and processed machinelike errors and blurred distortions of texture.ʼ - Tone Harvest

‘The symbiosis he develops between the beckoning of the music and the willing acquiescence of the ear and mind makes this album a bracing experience.ʼ -Andrew Forell/Dusted Magazine

Released November 29, 2020 as free download and limited edition cassette.

Composed and produced by: Austin Rockman
Mastering by: Taylor Deupree
Sleeve design by: Angel Draganov
Using photography by: Austin Rockman
