Random Motion Of Particles

Random Motion Of Particles Cover

Sai, the dedicated studio project of Yasen Penchev, has been evolving a lot throughout the years, including since his debut album "Perspective seen from different point of view" was released in the summer of 2016, but the core of the project remains in experimentation with analogue and digital recording techniques and extensive use of various string instruments, with results varying from minimalistic ambient atmospheres and melancholic soundscapes to furious polyrhythmic drum patterns syncopated with loads of guitars and progressive rhythmic and melodic structures, music that has usually been fitted under Post rock, Math rock, Ambient and Trip rock and such.

3 years after releasing his outstanding debut Mahorka proudly presents "Random motion of particles", Sai's second masterpiece for the label and a notable milestone in the project's evolution. Keeping the polymetric and polyrhytmic structural approaches and unique sound production techniques, he further extends and builds upon, this time less processed, even clean, guitars, less distortion, more melodic and harmonic compositions, more cinematic and atmospheric overall feeling with more and lusher ambient passages that include even whole tracks on their own.

"Random motion of particles" comes as free (cc) digital download and a precious limited edition (50 pcs) cassette release with outstanding design by Angel Draganov and Yasen Penchev himself. The tape has a different version of the album where the tracks have been redone in different edits and fused together by the artist for two side-long (30 minutes each) trips.

All music produced and recorded by: Yasen Penchev
Artwork design: Angel Draganov and Yasen Penchev
Released: June 16, 2019
