METEK + Nobodisoundz
LONg grEy miST, sEt the seasoN on FIRE

LONg grEy miST, sEt the seasoN on FIRE Cover

"LONg grEy miST, sEt the seasoN on FIRE" is a collaboration between prolific soundmakers METEK and nobodisoundz, both already having their solo releases on Mahorka. For this initiative they began exchanging sounds with idea of producing a collaboration track. The idea developed with more tracks finished, utilizing two initial sound sources (samples) from each artist for each track. "We try to find a common denominator so as to deliver unique new sound environment (for us)". The selection of finished tracks was mixed in a one-track sound journey which we present to you here.

At the time they started to work on the collaboration, nobodisoundz was reading a graphic novel about ecology, named Saison Brune by Philippe Squarzoni (available here: And this is where much of the inspiration for the music, the title of the release itself and the play of capital and small letters in it that can also read "ON EST EN FIRE” (in french / english) come from. Because there is urgency (fire!).

released 20 August 2014

(cc) mhrk139

cover artwork: nobodisoundz
