Sven Phalanx
Klangtherapie Remix EP Vol​.​2

Klangtherapie Remix EP Vol​.​2 Cover

After the great success of the first part, Sven Phalanx invites fellow musicians from all genres to rework the club classic "Klangtherapie" and give it a new look... again!

released May 16, 2023

original music and production by: Sven Phalanx

remix, additional music and production by: Sven Phalanx, Ultra, UTOPIAE, Hall of Violence, CMO-Projekt, Gutenberg, Mikrometrik, Grosso Gadgetto, MortaruM, Julien ASH, Konejo, Primitive Noise Sector, Blinky Blinky Computerband, Anja Kreysing, Steinhart, Cydonia, EMERGE

