Dymaxion Variations

Dymaxion Variations Cover

"Imagine yourself having the chance to take a ride in Richard Buckminster-Fuller´s fully developed Dymaxion-car and float ergonomically and ecologically through every imaginable landscape. What music would you like to hear in it? This was the question i asked myself one day and these 4 tracks are the answer to it. I thought I´d like something floating, developing very slowly and droning very softly as I am gliding slowly though any given landscape. So this EP is dedicated to Buckminster-Fuller and I hope you like the drift."

Released April 19, 2022 as free (cc) digital download and limited edition cassette tape.

The album was recorded by Alexander Holtz with a eurorack-synthesizer and an electric guitar in his homestudio in Koblenz, Germany during the winter of early 2021.
