Ivano Pecorini
Barons Court

Barons Court Cover

Ivano Pecorini is a composer and sound artist based in London, whose works move across experimental approaches and aesthetic investigations, focused on the manipulation and mixture between concrete materials, synthesis and acoustic instruments.His body of work maintains both a sharp creative focus and a wide-eyed spirit of exploration, creating unexpected electronic soundscapes.

Nowadays, the vast possibilities of instrumental choices further lead many composers to create their own compositional environments, including limitations and defects, to better explore particular sonic fields, in all their facets and micro-variations. This is why, to compose Barons Court, Ivano developed a system of four electromagnets that are controlled by Max/MSP. Each electromagnet allows for the vibration of some piano strings, producing modulated soundscapes, textures, and melodies.

Released November 15, 2020 as free download and limited edition cassette.

Composed and produced by: Ivano Pecorini
Mastering by: Roberto Di Ciaccio
Artwork by: Ivo Petrov
Photography by: Silvia Preziosi
